project 4 post-mortem reflection

Since we had some issues in the middle of the project, we had an early post-mortem meeting. Each of us talked about we were feeling, which wasn’t really good, but at least it led us to do the whole projects in only 2 days. Obviously, we didn’t come up with ten concepts, but we had a final concept with a clean sketch that was appreciated in the presentation.
Our team is dead now, and each of the team members have joined a new team. Each of us have learned more things about team work through this experience. I think all of us are more responsible for our assignments, and we appreciate the team work more. Also we realized how important it is to bring an expert in when you’re having problems. That’s what we are doing a lot in my new team.
We also had a post-mortem meeting with our mentor (Joanna), and we graded our project. The Madskillz club helped us a lot to grade our project, especially for the personas. The surprising part was that although we had so much trouble, we got a good score from Joanna because of our experience, and that helped us to move forward I guess.

I'm a first year Master's student of HCI Design! My BS degree is in Computer Science. I'm from Iran, and I am 24 years old. I have a younger sister named Maral. I love music more than anything else in the world. I listen to music practically 24 hours a day:D I play the Piano, and I love watching movies.