The week that was…. (week 14)

So project 5 is done and turned in. Our team is effectively finished with IDP (except for completing our overall “Playing the Whole Game” sketch). I must say that it feels good to start to unwind for the semester overall. I stayed up late Sunday night working on Eli’s personal website project. For those of you who read this, you should check it out at: (any critique would be appreciated :D). Now all I have this week is finishing my whole game sketch for IDP and trying to study as much as I can for Jeff’s final exam. I am a little bit nervous for Jeff’s test but I know that as long as I put my nose to the grind and study hard, I shouldn’t have a whole lot to worry about. This week that’s coming up seems a lot more low maintenance than the rest but that does not mean I can slack and put things on the back-burner quite yet.

As for my project in IDP, I was overall happy with what we submitted. I feel our design and the process we used was solid and well grounded. I wish we would have polished the final presentation a little bit more. I feel that it may have been so simple that some did not fully see the potential of our design. Moving forward our group is excited to get the opportunity to submit to CHI. We all know that it is going to take a lot of work since we need to redo our paper in a completely new format that we are unfamiliar with but I think we are all looking forward to the challenge and really hoping to do well in the competition. I think this will give not only our team but also myself a good opportunity throughout the break to continue our work in this new field we are all still really novices in. But first we have to get through this week and Jeff’s test. Here we go….